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     The following is the full working timeline we have set for ourselves. It is organized in a Gantt chart that allows for easy understanding at a quick glance. As the image is rather small text-wise, clicking on the image allows for an easier to read, PDF version of the same chart to appear.

     Currently, the team is transitioning from the design and research phase of the project process into the manufacturing phase, as represented by the vertical red line read on the Gantt Chart. Materials for both the frame and drivetrain subsystem have been ordered and some of them have already arrived. This puts us slightly on schedule, but in danger of falling behind.

     The next issues that concern the team are scheduling over the next two weeks. As it will be winter break, not everyone on the team will be available every day of the week. Schedules will have to be made in order for us all to sync up and meet to manufacture the vehicle.

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